Resilience and Perspective


Resiliency is the ability to bounce back and maintain focus and energy during uncertain times. When entrepreneurs bounce back it’s usually to a strong place, armed with new insights and looking at new opportunities. Entrepreneurs are comfortable in ambiguity (even if they don’t like it) and their resilience and leadership endurance comes from a place of confidence. They have the ability to anchor to this confidence in adaptation, create comfort in ambiguity and accept that decisions will be made with imperfect information.

While resiliency is high, entrepreneurs are at a higher risk of burn out because they give so much to their business. Create a healthy and productive prioritization practice. Leaders ask: What is the work that only I can do? Do that. Delegate and trust others to do what they can do. Also, don’t be afraid to reach into your network and ask for help.


Entrepreneurs know that challenges are only temporary and that is due to their ability to bring perspective to situations. This ability is critical to keeping entrepreneurs functioning at a high performing level. To meet the needs of their unique business; hone your perspective skills by leveraging reality testing and ask yourself: what will this situation teach me, what other possibilities are available?


Focus on partnerships, not transactions. Take the perspective of your client and always ensure your recommendations meet their business needs and will help take them to the next level. Additionally, have confidence saying no to additional work when you know it’s not the best plan for your client. Putting your client’s needs first will demonstrate your commitment to the value you can bring, and will overtime strengthen your partnerships even further.

At Bright Wire Leadership, we help high achieving leaders and organizations rise higher. It’s our passion and it’s in our DNA. To do this, we have a team of highly qualified expert coaches with more than 100 years of cumulative experience and service offerings that support the dynamic needs of A+ leaders.


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