You chart the course; we light the way

At Bright Wire, we are constantly challenging what’s possible. We are inspired by the energy and resiliency of the leaders and teams we partner with.

Learn more about our approach and our commitment

to creating the future together through intentional leadership in our series of thought leadership articles below.

More Articles


The Stay Conversation: A Method For Keeping Your High-Performing Talent

The Stay Conversation: A method for keeping your high-performing talent today and for the long term.

Future Ready | The Importance of Building Leadership in Times of Uncertainty

In a city as dynamic as Calgary, our most valuable resource has never been oil. It has always been the talent and work ethic of leaders and teams across our city ...

Three Strategies To Build Leadership Endurance

What is required of leaders today is called leadership endurance — the ability of a leader to remain steadfast through a period of sustained uncertainty. Here are three strategies to help ...

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

In an effort to build equitable, diverse and inclusive organizations we recommend leaders begin by asking three strategic questions to uncover their strength in the practice of inclusive leadership.

How to Choose an Executive Coach or an Executive Coaching Firm

An increased interest in the coaching profession as resulted in many types of “coaches” flooding the market. Read our top criteria for assessing an executive coach or an executive coaching firm.

Reading Library

Anyone who functions at an elite level knows it takes a team. They know on the deepest level the adage, “None of us is smarter than all of us.” Learn more ...
Co-workers sharing their important perspective around a boardroom table

The Importance of Perspective

       The importance of perspective becomes evident when considering the global health pandemic caused by COVID-19, which has had insurmountable effects on our world, effects that we are still ...

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